What is STEM?
STEM education is the acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. This convergence education is a new approach to the existing teaching method by adding practical activity.
Why STEM Education?
STEM Education is one of the most important education for your children’s future. The 21st century requires the most advanced technology and people who could see a problem in a new angle to solve it. STEM plays an important role in solving various problems in the society. In the U.S., 3/4 of the most promised jobs are in the STEM fields, and more than two million workers in STEM-related careers will be required. Therefore, KCIS is focusing on STEM education to prepare students as a competitive and competent individual for the future.
The vision of the school is that all KCIS students, in regards to the field of STEM, are trained to develop critical minds through problems and projects to apply scientific and engineering problem solving methods to the modern competitive global world. KCIS provides a comprehensive program with focus on math, science, technology. Essential skills and values included in the curriculum emphasizes and enhance the critical analysis & research, problem solving ability, intellectual curiosity and social responsibility. KCIS STEM Education combines science, engineering practices, Core disciplinary ideas, and crosscutting concepts to teach students(G1-12) scientific concepts more effectively.
STEM Education Core Courese
Math | Logic and problem-solving methods are taught to Improve logical & mathematical mind |
Science | Improve analytical mind to induce interest in science related fields and concepts. |
English & Language Arts | scientific research to develop one’s ability to think and be insightful. |
Research | Selected reading list to cultivate creativity. |
STEM with Computer Science
Computer Science is a scientific and practical approach to application technology. This program fosters ability to connect the dimensions of abstract and reality of technology by utilizing variety of soft-wares. This program cultivates rational and systematic thought process, creativity and problem solving skills.
Curriculum * Carnegie Melon University Research Program
Computer Science 1 Introduction to Computers ![]() |
Computer Science 5 Object-oriented Programming ![]() |
Computer Science 9 Learning C# with Unity 3D ![]() |
Computer Science 2 Intro to Microsoft Office and STEM with Computing (Scratch) I |
Computer Science 6 Learning Java |
Computer Science 10 Building Virtual Game Worlds with Unity 3D |
Computer Science 3 STEM with Computing (Scratch) II ![]() |
Computer Science 7 Android Programming I ![]() |
Computer Science 4 STEM with Computing (Scratch) III |
Computer Science 8 Android Programming II |
Entry Point :
3D Printing
3-Dimensional Printing is a technology used to make a 3-dimentional object by stacking raw materials such as resin or liquid based material according to the computer design and is being expanded to all fields of industry. Students can develop creativity through printing theories and hands-on experience while understanding the technology and expanding application skills.
STEM with Robotics
STEM with Robotics Curriculum is a creative-integrated program which promotes problem solving methods in students through the understanding of concepts in computer programming, engineering and mathematical concepts
Curriculum * Carnegie Melon University Research Program
Robotic 1 Simple Machines ![]() |
Robotic 5 Introduction to Robotics Program Flow ![]() |
Robotic 7 Introduction to Programming II The World as Data ![]() |
Robotic 2 Programmed Machines |
Catch Up Introduction to Programming I Consolidated Programming Intro |
Computer Science 10 Building Virtual Game Worlds with Unity 3D |
Robotic 3 Introduction to Robotics Movement |
Robotic 6 STEM with Computing (Scratch) III |
Robotic 9 Introduction to Engineering II Industrial Design & Mechatronics Projects |
Robotic 4 Introduction to Robotics Sensors |
Robotic 10 The Internet of Things Capstone |
Entry Point :
STEM with Aerospace
The development of history of humankind in 21st century will be influenced by the will to dominate the sky and pioneer the universe which will unfold a new period of Aerospace. The fact that national security is depended on the aerospace science, which is the fruit of the cutting edge technology, and the future of economy is lead by the aerospace industry is proven in countries with military and economical power who are also leading countries in aerospace technology. Therefore we must plan and prepare for a greater vision in the field of aerospace and present a career path.
Drone is a unmanned aerial vehicle designed to operate with radio wave signal. It was first used in the military as a missile target practice and as the technology advanced, drone was used as a means to surveillance the enemy territory. More recently, it is being used for various purposes other than military use and even as a hobby. In Korea, KAI and Korean Airlines are actively pursuing the research & development of drones.
STEM-Centric Science Courses
Biology | Biology, AP Biology |
Chemistry | Chemistry, Honors Chemistry |
Earth and Space | Earth and Space |
Integrated and Applied Physical Science | Integrated and Applied Physical Science A/B |
Physics | Physics, Honors Physics |
Computer Science | Computer Science and Programming |
Statistics | Statistics A Statistics B |
Calculus | Calculus, AP Calculus |
Engineering Design and Development |
Introduction to Engineering Design | |
Principles of Engineering |