


- 12
- ㆍ2021 Fall Last Day of School
- ㆍ2021 Winter Camp
- 11
- ㆍSecondary Science Fair
- ㆍElementary Math Competition
- 10
- ㆍSecondary Science Fair
- 09
- ㆍElementary Spelling Bee
- 08
- ㆍ2021 Fall Teachers’ Workshop
- 07
- ㆍ2021 Summer Camp (Online+Offline)
- 06
- ㆍ13th Graduation Ceremony
- 05
- ㆍSecondary Science Fair
- 04
- ㆍSecondary Science Fair
- 03
- ㆍElementary Science Fair
- 02
- ㆍVolunteer Week
- 01
- ㆍ2021 Spring Semester Starts
- 12
- ㆍ2020 Winter Camp (Online+Offline)
- 11
- ㆍ2020 Club Fundraising Day
- ㆍBook Presentation
- 09
- ㆍOnline + Offline Combined Classes due to COVID19 Pandemic
- 08
- ㆍTeacher’s Workshop for Fall Semester 2020
- ㆍ2020 Fall Semester Orientation
- 07
- ㆍSummer School
- 06
- ㆍGraduation Ceremony
- 02
- ㆍOnline Classes due to COVID19 Pandemic
- 01
- ㆍWinter Camp
- ㆍSemester Opening Service
- 12
- ㆍEnd of Semester Worship
- 11
- ㆍPreliminary Bible Bee
- ㆍCollege Prep Workshop
- ㆍThanksgiving Festival
- 10
- ㆍPreliminary Debate Competition
- ㆍField Trip
- ㆍDebate Competition Final
- 09
- ㆍStudent Body Election / Student Body Candidates’ Speech
- ㆍCollege Prep Workshop
- ㆍPreliminary Spelling Bee Competition
- 08
- ㆍTeachers’ workshop
- ㆍOpening Service
- ㆍVision Camp – Be a peacemaker
- 07
- ㆍSummer Camp
- 06
- ㆍ2019 Fall semester Open House
- ㆍLunch Concert
- ㆍSports Day
- ㆍ11th Graduation End of Semester Worship
- 05
- ㆍSenior Portfolio
- 04
- ㆍEaster Festival & Worship
- ㆍVolunteer Week
- 03
- ㆍSpeech Contest
- 02
- ㆍElementary Ski Camp
- ㆍSecondary Humanities Camp
- 01
- ㆍ2019 Spring Semester Worship Service
- 12
- ㆍ2019 Spring Semester Open house
- ㆍ2018 End of Semester Worship Service
- ㆍNew Trees Planting
- 11
- ㆍElementary Speling Bee Contest
- ㆍThanksgiving Day Worship & Festival
- 10
- ㆍSpeech for Student Council Candidate
- ㆍField Trip(The Independence Hall of Korea)
- 09
- ㆍVision Camp in Baek-du(China)
- 08
- ㆍTeacher’ Workshop
- ㆍ2018 Fall Semester Worship Service
- 06
- ㆍElementary Field Trip(Songdo VR-Center)
- ㆍ10th Graduation & End of Semester Worship Service
- 05
- ㆍSports Day
- 04
- ㆍLaos Mission Trip
- ㆍEaster Worship & Festival
- 03
- ㆍElementary Field Trip(Paju Cheese School)
- 02
- ㆍLeadership Camp at Starhill Resort
- 01
- ㆍTeacher’s Workshop
- ㆍWinter Camp
- ㆍ2018 Spring Semester Worship Service
- 12
- ㆍ2018 Spring Semester Open house
- ㆍ2017 End of Semester Worship Service
- 11
- ㆍSpeech Contest “Who is 윤동주?”
- ㆍRCY Volunteering
- ㆍElementary Field Trip
- ㆍThanksgiving Day Festival
- ㆍScience Fair
- ㆍTable Tennis Competition
- 10
- ㆍRCY Club Blood Drive
- ㆍField Trip(Secondary) : 서대문형무소
- 09
- ㆍChallenge Camp in Jeju
- 08
- ㆍTeacher’s Workshop
- ㆍ2017 Fall Semester Worship Service
- ㆍTeacher’s Faculty Retreat
- 07
- ㆍElementary Summer Camp
- 06
- ㆍLaos Nalao Prmiary School Sister-School Establishment Agreement Service
(Special Speaker : Bong ho Son) - ㆍScience Fair
- ㆍ9th Graduation End of Semester Worship
- ㆍLaos Nalao Prmiary School Sister-School Establishment Agreement Service
- 04
- ㆍTeacher’s Workshop
- ㆍEaster Volunteer Week
- ㆍField Trip to California
- ㆍEaster Worship & Festival
- 03
- ㆍRCY Fundraising Event
- 02
- ㆍVision Camp at Gimpo
- ㆍParent Orientation
- ㆍAKIS Conference at BestWestern Premier Hotel Kukdo
- 01
- ㆍElementary Winter Camp
- ㆍ2017 Spring Semester Worship Service
- ㆍTeacher’s Workshop
- 12
- ㆍScience Fair
- ㆍVolunteer Day ‘Ilsan Hyundai Hospital’
- ㆍAllumni Dinner
- ㆍ2016 End of Fall Semester Worship Service
- 11
- ㆍ2017 Spring Semester Open house
- ㆍThanksgiving Day Festival
- ㆍSpeech Contest “What is STEM?”
- ㆍYFK(Young Falcons of Korea) Aero-Space Camp(Sacheon)
- 10
- ㆍField Trip(Location: KINTEX Robo-world)
- 09
- ㆍLeadership Camp(STEM Camp : POSTEC, KAIST)
- 08
- ㆍFall semester begin, New Students Convocation
- ㆍSuccessful Admission to top 100 universities with schlorship project
- ㆍProclamation of STEM education
- ㆍFall semester KCIS orientation
- 07
- ㆍSummer Session orientation
- ㆍFall semester KCIS admission orientation
- 06
- ㆍThe 8th graduating class - graduation & end of sememster service
- ㆍIvy league admission & KCIS admission orientation
- ㆍSenior Portfolio Day
- 05
- ㆍSpring 2016 Lunch Concert
- ㆍG12 Suh Sooah - Accepted to
Drexel University on full scholarship - ㆍKCIS faculty workshop
- 04
- ㆍCPR, first aid and emergency cardiovascular
care training and education - ㆍSpring 2016 Field Trip-Everland
- ㆍCCM artist Gangv Chan-
invitational praise
conference - ㆍThailand Mission Trip
- ㆍCPR, first aid and emergency cardiovascular
- 03
- ㆍSpeech Contest “2016 UN Millennium Development Goals”
- ㆍMiddle school field trip (Goyang Ice-rink)
- ㆍKCIS faculty workshop
- ㆍMarch 1st movement - Day at the movies <Spirits' Homecoming>
- 02
- ㆍTaekwondo class open
- ㆍKCIS curriculum and college admission orientation
- ㆍ1st graduation service - National School
- ㆍVision Camp " I do my best for the mankind and the earth"
- 12
- ㆍEnd of Fall Sem. Service
- ㆍHyebin Ra - accepted to Tufts University w/ full 4yr scholarship
- ㆍYehun Hong - accepted to St. Johns College w/ full 4yr scholarship
- ㆍMinwook Shin- Ivy League admission (Columbia University)
- ㆍField Trip - NASA (Human adventure exhibition)
- ㆍField Trip (National School) - Duksu-gung(Palace), Seokjojeon Hall, Former Russian Legation, Seoul, Wongudan, Tongin Market,
National Modern Art Museum
- 11
- ㆍThanksgiving Day Festival
- ㆍFall 2015 Lunch Concert
- ㆍCheering the National School College Entrance Examinee
- ㆍYoung Falcons of Korea Career Day - Orientation on new careers in the field of Aero Nautical Space
- ㆍNational School - college admission orientation
- 10
- ㆍFall cleaning
- ㆍFall 2015 Field Trip - Hyeonchungsa, The Second Fleet of R.O.K Navy
- ㆍSpeech Contest "Reunification"
- 09
- ㆍKCIS student body president election
- ㆍKorea Christian Conference Olympic (KCIS Champion)
- ㆍVision Camp "Vision, to become a productive Christian!"
- 08
- ㆍKAIST Engineering Class
- ㆍFall semester classes begin, new students convocation
- ㆍKCIS faculty workshop
- 06
- ㆍInternational School (AI) Accreditation
- ㆍNCPSA accreditation
- ㆍThe 7th graduating class - graduation ceremony & worship service
- ㆍSenior Portfolio Day
- ㆍFire drill
- 05
- ㆍKCIS Olympics
- 04
- ㆍMission Trip - India
- ㆍEaster Volunteer Project 5. Compassion- Write a Birthday card to the sponsored child
- ㆍEaster Volunteer Project 4. Multicultural Cooking Class, campaign (RCY)
- ㆍEaster Volunteer Project 3. Eden Welfare Center
- ㆍEaster Volunteer Project 2. Delivery of Rice of Love (RCY)
- ㆍEaster Volunteer Project 1.
Hope Bag (Good Neighbors) - ㆍEaster Festival
- ㆍEaster service -
baptism & communion
- 03
- ㆍAI(Accreditation International) on-site audit
- ㆍKCIS RCY Inauguration
- ㆍSpeech Contest "2015 UN Millennium Report"
- ㆍ2014 International Robot Contest Award Ceremony
- ㆍSpring Semester Class Leader Election
- 02
- ㆍThe Cross Camp "Friend, can you carry your own cross?"
- 01
- ㆍSpring semester classes begin, new students convocation
- 12
- ㆍKorean Middle School
Graduation & service - ㆍVolunteer to Hyundai
Geriatrics Hospital
- ㆍKorean Middle School
- 11
- ㆍThanksgiving Day Festival
- ㆍThanksgiving Service- baptism & communion
- 10
- ㆍDMZ Field Trip
- 09
- ㆍSpeech Contest "Christians, those who change the world"
- ㆍSouth Korea Pilgrimage-Vision Trip for the entire student body
- ㆍFall semester classes begin, new student convocation
- 08
- ㆍHyungyu Choi, 5th graduating class of KCIS- Ivy League scholarship Award ceremony
- 06
- ㆍThe 6th Graduating class
- Graduation ceremony
and service - ㆍKCIS Science Fair
- ㆍKCIS Club Day
- ㆍThe 6th Graduating class
- 05
- ㆍKorean School college admission
orientation - ㆍCleaning Day
- ㆍThe National School field trip -
Musee d'Orsay - ㆍVisitation to the
Sewol Ferry
smemorial in
- ㆍKorean School college admission
- 04
- ㆍEaster Volunteer - BabFor, Holt Korea, KCIS garage sale
- ㆍEaster Mission Trip - The Philippines
- ㆍThe National School, highschool div. field trip- Aeronautical Spacecenter
- ㆍBaptism & communion ceremony
- ㆍSpring 2014 Field Trip - Everland
- 03
- ㆍThe national school, highschool div. Campus tour Seoul National University.
- 02
- ㆍG-Band Audition
- ㆍVision Camp "Vision Maker"
- ㆍSpring Semester begins & New Student convocation
- 03
- ㆍCamp for the New student of 2014 Spring Semester
- ㆍWinter Camp “Language Camp Program”
- 12
- ㆍEnd of Fall Sem. Service
- ㆍAdmission orientation by Chunho Kim The President of SUNY Korea
- ㆍVolunteered at Hyundai Geriatrics hospital
- ㆍ"Education that gives" Special lecture by Professor Gang Lee,
Handong University - ㆍThe 2nd Spring Sem. KCIS admission orientation 2014
- ㆍThe International School Middle school Div. field trip -
Oktokki Space Center - ㆍNewyork State University
admission orientation
- 11
- ㆍThe National School field trip - Central & South America Culture Center
- ㆍThanksgiving Day Festival
- ㆍThanksgiving service - baptism & communion
- ㆍCulture Chapel "Piano Duo Concert"
- ㆍElementary school Field trip - Kimchi experience
- ㆍAppointment of KCIS Herald Reporters
- ㆍSeoul North West Presbytery pastor retirement celebration
- ㆍHarin Cho received a MBC Academy Award
- ㆍTOEFL IPT award of excellence presented to 10 students.
- ㆍThe 1st KCIS admission orientation, 2014
- ㆍKCIS faculty workshop
- 10
- ㆍField Trip - Nami Island
- ㆍCulture Chapel "Music Concert"
- ㆍDesignated as an ACT Test Center
- ㆍFall Sem. Student Council appointment ceremony
- ㆍSchool interior and wall painting
- ㆍBinghamton University Admission Orientation
- 09
- ㆍMoved to the present building, located at 471 Kyeongeuiro Ilsandonggu Goyangsi, Republic of Korea and 2013 Fall semester classes begin.
- 06
- ㆍThe 5th graduating class - graduation ceremony and
worship service - ㆍKCIS and Cambodia Food for the
Hungry alliance ceremony - ㆍIlsan Police Station Senior
Chief officer Soosang
Jung invitational lecture - ㆍIlsan Police Station,
Crime Prevention Unit
visits KCIS
- ㆍThe 5th graduating class - graduation ceremony and
- 05
- ㆍKCIS Olympics
- ㆍHanna Lee - CCM artist/ Electric violinist special invitational concert.
- ㆍKCIS admission orientation
- ㆍHyunGyu Choi - received an Ivy League admission (Cornell University) from KCIS 5th graduating class
- ㆍSenior Trip
- 04
- ㆍSpring 2013 Field Trip - Everland
- ㆍParent-teacher conference, 2013
- ㆍCollege admission & ACT orientation
- ㆍVision Trip - Cambidia
- ㆍEaster Festival
- 03
- ㆍMin Sung Ko - 1st to receive
an Ivy League admission
(Cornell University) from KCIS 5th graduating class - ㆍOratory Competition Final Round "2015 UN Millennium Report"
- ㆍMin Sung Ko - 1st to receive
- 02
- ㆍOratory Competition Preliminaries "2015 UN Millennium Report"
- ㆍSpring semester Class leader and vice-leader assignment
- ㆍChallenege Camp "Challanger to embrace the world!"
- 01
- ㆍSpring semester classes begin, new students convocation
- ㆍStudent council and Praise team attend the worship school "Duranno worship and praise school"
- ㆍWinter Camp for the new students
- ㆍThe 2nd KCIS admission orientation 2013'
- 12
- ㆍEnd of Fall Sem. Service
- ㆍGAA(Global Accrediation Association) accredited
- ㆍ The 1st KCIS admission orientation of 2013'
- 11
- ㆍThanksgiving Day Festival
- ㆍFall 2012 Field Trip - Gimyujeong Station
- 09
- ㆍVision Camp - A pilgrimage to Jeju Island
- ㆍAppointment of class leader and student council, award schlorships
- 06
- ㆍThe 4th graduating class - graduation ceremony & worship service
- 05
- ㆍKCIS Olympics
- 04
- ㆍEaster Festival
- 03
- ㆍG11 Seung Woo - participated as a monitor agent for Nuclear Security Summit
- ㆍOratory Competition “Patriotism”
- 01
- ㆍSpring semester classes begin, new students convocation
- 12
- ㆍEnd of Fall Sem. Service
- 11
- ㆍThanksgiving Day Festival
- ㆍFall 2011 Field Trip - Yongsan War Memorial, Discovery of Human Body
- 10
- ㆍFall 2011 Field Trip - Yanghwajin, National Museum of Korea
- 09
- ㆍLeadership Camp "Here am I, Send me."
- 08
- ㆍFall Semester classes begin,
new students convocation
- ㆍFall Semester classes begin,
- 07
- ㆍVocal Recital- Ewha Park,
Chorus Teacher-
comeback performance - ㆍMission Trip - Myanmmar
- ㆍVocal Recital- Ewha Park,
- 06
- ㆍThe 3rd graduating class -
graduation ceremony &
worship service
- ㆍThe 3rd graduating class -
- 05
- ㆍCulture Chapel - "Narrative Concert"
- 04
- ㆍEaster Festival
- 03
- ㆍCulture Chapel - CCM artist Brian Kim special invitation
- ㆍElementary school field trip - Songam Space center
- ㆍThe 56th North West Seoul Presbytery Audit
- 02
- ㆍEaster Festival
- 12
- ㆍEnd of Fall Sem. Service
- ㆍElementary school Field Trip -
Museum of Human Body
- 11
- ㆍThanksgiving Day Festival
- ㆍElementary school Field Trip - Zoo
- 10
- ㆍFall 2010 Field Trip - Pohang,
Gyeongju, Andong
- ㆍFall 2010 Field Trip - Pohang,
- 08
- ㆍVision Camp "Youth for Vision"
- ㆍFall semester classes begin, new students convocation
- 06
- ㆍThe 2nd graduating class - graduation ceremony & worship service
- 05
- ㆍSpecial Guest Instructor - Jeon Gang Chun - Nori-media Edu-center. "Resisting online temptation - I keep myself safe!"
- 12
- ㆍEnd of Fall Sem.
- ㆍEnd of Fall Sem.
- 11
- ㆍThanksgiving Day Festival
- 10
- ㆍKCIS Olympics
- 08
- ㆍFall semester classes begin,
new students convocation - ㆍChallenge Camp "I can do it in Christ!"
- ㆍFall Semester Orientation
- ㆍFall semester classes begin,
- 06
- ㆍThe 1st graduating class
- graduation ceremony
& worship service
- ㆍThe 1st graduating class
- 02
- ㆍ1st KCIS Graduation
- ㆍ1st Faith Retreat (Vision Camp)-Oneness Retreat Center
- 11
- ㆍThanksgiving Day Festival/ Worship service
- 10
- ㆍ1st KCIS Field Trip(sokcho)
- 09
- ㆍOrientation & Presentation
- 08
New Building Completion Service
- 06
- ㆍThe International School Education Research Institute established
- ㆍMoved to present building, located at 823-1 Madudong Ilsandonggu,
Goyang City, Republic of Korea (South Korea)
- 12
- ㆍ1st Open School/ Orientation
- 09
- ㆍBecame a member of the ACIS(Association of Christian International School)
- 07
- ㆍIlsan Christian School established
- 08
- ㆍAfter School Program established